Thursday, May 14, 2009

Star Wars got Coruscant from the word coruscate, I know it

You know how nerds like to draw lines between the names of fictional characters and places and obscure real things? Well, I found one. The producers of Star Wars got the name for the planet Coruscant from the word coruscate. The Merriam Webster word of the day a week ago -- because I like new words every day -- was coruscate \KOR-uh-skayt\, a verb:

1. To give off or reflect bright beams or flashes of light; to sparkle.
2. To exhibit brilliant, sparkling technique or style.

Coruscate comes from Latin coruscatus, past participle of coruscare, "to move quickly, to tremble, to flutter, to twinkle or flash." The noun form is coruscation. Also from coruscare is the adjective coruscant, "glittering in flashes; flashing."

I got this description of Coruscant from Wiki:

Coruscant, seen in Episodes I, II, III and VI, was the capital of the Old Republic, the Galactic Empire, the New Republic, the Galactic Alliance, and the Yuuzhan Vong Empire, as well as being the home planet for one of the galaxies biggest corporations, Coruscant StarYards. The whole planet is a city. It is generally agreed that Corusant is the most important world in the Star Wars galaxy, evidenced by the fact that its hyperspace coordinates are (0,0,0). The planet is essentially one giant city, with skyscrapers jutting several kilometers into the atmosphere. Approximately 1 trillion people inhabit the planet. When the Yuuzhan Vong invaded, they destroyed one of its four moons and used massive dovin basals to move the planet into a tighter orbit, allowing lush vegetation to grow on it. It was then called Yuuzhan'tar ("Creche of the Gods", in the Yuuzhan Vong language) and made the capital of the Yuuzhan Vong occupation until being recaptured by the Galactic Alliance.

The coruscating cities covering Coruscant trembled with humanity. Does anyone else see this?

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